Resultados: 4

Health disorders and teachers' voices: a workers' health issue: [review]

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 17 (4), 2009
Environmental and/or work risk factors, lack of basic knowledge related to voice, its incorrect use, and a defective vocal model can lead teachers to develop occupational dysphonia. This study aimed to analyze studies focusing on occupational vocal disorders through a literature review. Articles publishe...

Typical occupational accidents with employees of a university hospital in the south of Brazil: epidemiology and prevention

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 16 (5), 2008
Descriptive epidemiologic study that aimed to analyze the typical occupational accidents notified by employees of a university hospital in the South of Brazil from 1997 to 2002, and to estimate their risk indicators. A total of 717 accidents were registered; 86 percent of them (616) were typical and pres...

Consumo de alcohol en trabajadores de una industria en Monterrey, México

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 13 (n.esp), 2005
O objetivo foi descrever o consumo de álcool entre 129 trabalhadores de uma indústria. A coleta de dados foi realizada a través dos instrumentos AUDIT e CECA. A maior porcentagem de consumo foi em operários masculinos de 31 anos, escolaridade de 9,8 anos, tempo de trabalho 5 anos, casados. Identifico...